May 23, 2006


Massage..... What a treat and relief of pain. I have had about 3 of them in my life and will be getting another one done today.... If you have never had one, once you do... you will more than likely go back for more. The ones that I have been to have been very polite in regards to your preferences of exposure and your comfort level. Most of you will find that the therapist doesn't want to exposure you more than is needed to treat your body. Privacy is totally respected...Just remember that each person does this, has their own method of treatment and results can vary on the treatment you receive( meaning some can be more aggressive in the treatment than others.)
It is just amazing how wonderful and relaxed you feel even during the massage and of course more so afterwards. It is a great treat to be pampered. If you ever need a relaxing moment and want to get away, this would be a great outlet for that. It melts away stress and is calming. Try it sometime!!! As for as my experiences....great each time.....

May 20, 2006

Life starting to move...

Life so far in May has been quite slow but in the next couple of weeks until after June are going to be quite busy. My sister-in-law has PROM this weekend as well as there is a Birthday party for the kids the same day. Did I mention that I am also being a life donor?! I am a avid Blood donor and encourage those that I know to do it often. Next week, she will be graduating and I am singing the anthem for the event. That weekend as well is my daddy's families reunion. My hub and I have planned a trip on the last of the weekend for just us as well. TALK ABOUT BUSY!!!! That some week there is also a great church seminar that I would love to attend but I just can't do it this year!!!! In June (I think) is yet another reunion on my mom's side and I really like that one. It will last all weekend as well. June and July just happen to be large birthday months for us as well. I guess if I was bored and I will not be no longer. WOW!!!! Talk about head spinning and trying to come up for air....

It is always good to know that there is something going on and that We are included in the event. It always is nice to know that you counted and that someone care about yah! Thanks to you all..... I love to sing if some of you did not know and anytime someone asks for me to (events) I will do my best and enjoy every minute.


May 08, 2006


I volunteered to do RELAY FOR LIFE this weekend and it was so amazing. It was truly a humbling experience and I feel so blessed to have been able to be apart of it. I saw many people that I had not seen in a long time and the emotion of the whole thing was engergizing and encouraging. I stayed until 10:30 or so while others stayed until the end at 6am. The event started at 6pm and ended at 6 am. During that time team members walked in shifts. I took the first shift for an hour with my mom when it was still rather warm, but so worth it. While my son slept in the stroller and my daughter ran about playing, I walked. There were many other funderaisers going on as well durring the walk. From Raffles to Cake Walks to Live entertainment and food. DEFINITELY WORTH THE EFFECT....


I learned first hand who had been affected by Cancer in our community. To see all of those come together for one unified purpose was "one not to miss"--Like most communities there are the ins and outs. I am sure that everyone has had someone in there life that has been effected by Cancer and knows that emotions of a disease that can strike at anytime and anyone.

May I always remember to be thankful for my blessings in my life and the inspirations that have effected it...