Life in a Cyclone
Ever feel like the World around you is sweeping your time, and energy away and carrying you off into a crazy dimension. Well, I have to say that it is not all that bad all the time at least. My Cuz Suz has got her hands completely full. She had quads on August 1st and I am assuming that all are probably home by now. If you would like to know the latest update on their lives and read a God-inspiring on her name to be linked to her blog. It is an honor and blessing to know her and be related to her and all those beautifully crafted miracles of joy. I have not gotten to see them yet but I am hoping by Christmas maybe.... ;)and Now for my cyclone life... This month had promised to be busy and that it is.. I can say that when I do step back from myself and view the big picture it is pretty peaceful.
I have not been feeling very well for a while now and I finally went to the Dr and just got some blood work done. It is not official but believed that I have a thyroid problem. Being moody, shedding hair like loosing a winter coat, exhausted all the time, and can't seem to get enough sleep then add in chasing a 5 and 2 yr old in the evenings... needless to say I have been a little worn out everyday. Apparently it is very common for this to mess with emotions, and even the female cycles. These can also be associated with Despress however my dr did not think that was the problem. With in time, hopefully I will get more energy and drive to do the things that I just can't seem to work up enough energy to do...
Well, this month so far has been very properous. The first weekend as part of our flower committee (chairman and president) felt like two kids in a candy shop looking for the discount-flawed pieces of sugar. We went to 3 different craft stores and brought back half of ea one. It was great... I can see why some ladies can see shopping as therapy. I don't get to do this often since my hubby and I live on a very budgetted life style. I am very blessed to be married to an amazing man who has numerous talents and dealing with finances as one of them. However it is nice to be able to go a little crazy sometimes. We found many new treasures and needed replacement items for our Christmas season as well as some great deals on fall and harvest items.Out of all three stores we went too, Hobby Lobby by for had the best deals and an amazing assortment of general items from garland to home decor.
This past weekend, our church put on our annual Ladies Ministry Craft Bazaar. It went well but maybe not as good as last years. It was a bunch of fun and I think we made a nice profit too. I like to do crafts myself like floral items, and some simple sewing. I even got to use a surger and now I am spoiled to one now. I know why every semstress raves about them instead of a regular sewing machine. I ended up spending a modest $ amount for items there my daughter and I could not live with out. Cactus Jelly, dogbone pillows, vintage song and children books, and of course some baked goods... If any churches in your area do something like this, check it out... There are always some wonderful things for Christmas gifts...
This weekend we will be celebrating my youngest birthday. I still can't hardly believe that he is that old until he does something and I realize... yah he is that old... Just family and nothing big or specially crazy. No matter the number of toys, or poeple attending it is a sure bet that He will enjoy it all down to the last brown package box.
The following weekend, I will be attending a Casting Crowns concert and spending the two days after with my Hubby on a mini honeymoon. Nothing extravagent but us time which all couples need these days from the craziness of this world we live in. In addition to the gift of the tickets, my MIL will come and take care of the littles one while we are gone. I am so excited I can't hardly wait. The tickets were a gift from my Inlaws and my hubby... They are so sweet.. My MIL told me that when she read that they coming to our area, she knew with no doubt that that would be the perfect gift for me for my bday this month and for our anniversary.
Well, there went September. We have already started working on our Christmas Cantata in Choir and all solo peices assigned. It is going to be a fun and beautiful event. Meanwhile, all the supplies we purchased this month will need to be added, put together, and organized for the coming season of Christmas. As always the fall season is coming up like a hill that needs to be climbed. We are steadily gaining speed to climb that mountain of time and hoping to get it all done in a peaceful and calm manner.
The last two weeks in Sunday school we have been studying what GOD is. He is love (benevolence, and goodness), holy, Immutability, Truth, omni-presence-science-potent-transcience. It was a wonderful lesson stretched over two Sundays. It is amazing how when you get into your bible and look up these passages that state these character traits and who the Lord it clears up all the muddle of life and shows us for who we are. (The all seeing eye,all knowing, unlimited power (can't lie)-infinite/eternal)If you ever want to be reminded of who we are in the big picture run your hand thru your hair to realize that God knows every hair on your head plus those that just fell out and stand watching the sunset, ocean waves, or the night sky and realise how small we are in comparison to the Lord's creations. I think the most eye opening information I realized is that God was not actually physically tired when he created the world and rested on the 7th was an example for us to rest and have a day of reflection as to his creation and the awesomeness of God. He is not human and does not grow weary or worn out. He is not bond by time, or physical boundaries. (2 Tim. 1:8-10,12)(Pslams 90:2) (Gen. 21:31) God choose to step into time (Isiah 66:1) which he created to show us the way by giving his son as an example and our leader...
This of course is my opinion and thought. There are many places in the bible that elode to this thought and information. Get in that Bible and search Gensis and Relevation for some clarfication.
****DO YOU KNOW JESUS BECAUSE HE KNOWS YOU. God knows every hair on your head (Luke 12:6-8 NIV:Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies[a]? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows), and he gave his only son for you John 3:16 KJV-For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.)
1 comment:
Just catching up before bed. Thanks for sharing your Sunday school lessons I may start sharing my Wed. lessons that I give to the youth. I am super excited they are starting to get involved in my lessons and it is really turning into an excellant bible study. Be praying for me this week as our festival will be on Wed. evening. Love ya.
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